♥ Fatin Aten ♥ ♥ Fatin Aten ♥ ♥ Fatin Aten ♥♥ Fatin Aten ♥
♥ A Caliph of Allah. An Ummah of Rasullullah. A Zaujah of a great Imam.tHe stRugGlEs mKe u stROnGer & tHe cHAngeS mAke U wIsE & haPpinEsS hAs iT's oWn wAy Of tAkiNg iT's sWeEt timE L-I-F-E is 10% Of hOw U mAkE iT & 90% hOw U tke iT ♥

Law Qurban and wiser

Qurban is a very well-liked among the practices of the Prophet S.A.W where he always encouraged his Companions to do Qurban. This is because it has a lot of Qurban wisdom and the advantages that would benefit ourselves, relegion anf society. Therefore, as Muslims who can afford to take heed of Prophet S.A.W encouragement to his Companions to do so.

There are many hadiths organizing Qurban in which the Prophet said;
"There are no practices of human sacrifice at the feast in that preferred God from following blood (ie slaughtering the sacrifice). Indeed, it will come on the Day of judgement with its horns, claws and feathers (and put on weight). And surely the blood of sacrifice to get a position in the sight of Allah on a high place before it falls on the earth. [1] Thus, when your heart sincere self-sacrifice". (Narrated by Imam at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and al-Hakim from Hadrat 'A'ishah. According to Imam Suyuti: this is a Hasan Hadeeth. See: al-Jami' as-Saghier, hadith no. 7949.)

Qurban Law 

Muakkad sacrificial law was circumcision (ie of very-very encouraged by the way) for people who meet the following conditions : [2] 

1. Muslim
2. Mature and sane
3. Independent / independent
4. There's capabilities, ie a net surplus money maintaining himself and those under obligations include food, clothing and shelter during the day and feast days tasyriq.

Worship is open to all Muslims who have space or the ability of either the full moon or the village/rural, people on a journey, or are in the state and includes the pilgrims in Mina. [3] There is a history in Soheh Imam Bukhari and Muslim relate that Prophet do sacrifice in Mina for his wife to slaughter cattle. (Narrated from Aisha) [4]
Dimakruhkan leave this sacrifice of worship for those who meet the conditions above. Imam Syafi'ie said: "I do not give rukhsah to leave it for anyone who could do it" (ie Imam Syafi'ie makrooh look for people who can afford to leave). [5]

While among the wisdom of sacrificial worship pensyariatan is:
First: To keep our memory of the story of Abraham, peace be upon him who is willing to slaughter his son Ismail peace be upon him as a sacrifice, but God replaced it with a kibasy. In a hadith narrated by Imam Ibn Majah from Zaid bin Arqam, he said: The companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, 'O Messenger of Allah, what is the sacrifice? Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said with his saying meaning:
"It is the sunnah of your father Abraham. They asked: What will we get from it, Messenger of Allah? He said: For every lock there is welfare. They asked: What about the feathers, Messenger of Allah? He said: For every strand of wool there is charity ".
Second: To train and form the Muslims so willing to sacrifice part of God's providence and grace grace for the sake of others.
Three: Cultivating pemeduliaan attitude and concern for the community to distribute part of the meat as food or sustenance expand poor people during Eid al-Adha.
Fourth: Sowing and admirable qualities and instill good values ​​into yourself with patience emulate the Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail peace be upon them and nature that emphasizes both obedience and love to God Almighty.
[1] The meaning according to Imam al-Minawi; "animal sacrifice are at the high acceptance of it is accepted by God from the beginning intended to be sacrificed before it was witnessed by those who were present when he was killed." (See; Faidhul-Qadier, hadith no. 7,949)

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